Data protection and security on the web is a never-ending topic for discussion, which, unfortunately, is often neglected. According to German law, some requirements are imposed on website operators to ensure that the data of site visitors is protected. In the case of a data protection breach, heavy fines can sometimes be imposed.

With the right partner at your side, you can count on staying safe. Together with our partner, DSGVO-Service.com, we have identified the following areas that should be made a top priority.


COOKIE CONSENT BANNER: Consent of website visitors to cookies and external services in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section f of the GDPR. Tip: If possible, only use cookies that are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. The cookie consent banner is included with premium hosting.

DATA PROTECTION: A declaration of data protection must be made regarding the scope and purpose of the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, and it must be updated regularly. Important: Technical changes to the website and changes in legal circumstances must be taken into account!

SOCIAL MEDIA PLUGINS & VIDEOS: Avoid “like” buttons on the website.

GOOGLE FONTS: If Google Fonts are necessary, then only host locally on the server.

GOOGLE ANALYTICS (GA): First European data protection authorities have banned the use of GA (Austria, France). Tip: Use Zoho’s PageSense, instead, to track and analyze.

SECURE DATA PROCESSING AGREEMENTS: Our recommendation: If you have commissioned third parties to process personal data (for example: website hosting, data destruction), check whether DPA contracts are in place.

CMS ACCESS PROTECTION: Basic Auth protects the CMS log-in area from unauthorized access.

TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION: Protects the website from unauthorized access using maximum security measures.

CACHING: WP Rocket improves page speed and JavaScript/CSS output. Bookable option! Included and activated for our premium hosting customers.

SEO: Rank Math automatically creates XML sitemap for search engines and helps with SEO. Bookable option! Included and activated for our premium hosting customers.

Do not risk warnings! Contact us today and make an appointment for a GDPR and security check of your website: 00800 2632 3474 You can also find more background information about the Cookie Consent Banner, GDPR and data protection in our blog post.
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