Companies know that a strong brand demands a strong brand image. Along with various marketing strategies, this also involves a consistent corporate design – both online and offline. For this task, Patrick Bernstein from more Marketing turned trustingly to codafish. Read here how our art direction team helps more Marketing and its products with daily design support services for consistent brand management: from corporate design to web design.

photocredit Wolfgang Weiser ,  Unsplash

more Marketing and its products, given a compelling look - brand management with codafish

Radio Hamburg, Hamburg ZWEI, Rock Antenne Hamburg, and radio ffn all have one thing in common. Firstly, they are all popular radio stations in Hamburg and the surrounding area. Secondly, they all have more Marketing as a powerful partner for radio and audio marketing. Whether it’s online audio, audio advertising, digital marketing, influencer marketing, events and promotions, employer branding, or special advertising formats, more Marketing supports its products in delivering effective marketing to the airwaves. “We don’t just plan the best placements; we also create innovative and effective radio commercials for our clients,” says Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director of more Marketing. Together with his team, he supports clients from various sectors, designs marketing strategies, and implements them across multiple channels.

Corporate design - sometimes a little self-care is necessary

Since 1999, more Marketing has been known for innovative concepts and is the leading choice for audio advertising in Hamburg for its clients. To ensure perfect radio advertising for each client, more Marketing offers a diverse range of cross-media products tailored to meet the specific objectives of its customers. Creating special advertising formats with impactful slogans and placing them during prime time always involves a lot of work. However, it’s also important to take care of not just your clients but also your own company and its brands. Why? “The brand presence is the first touchpoint with potential customers, and it should be appealing in order to make a strong impression,” explains Patrick Bernstein. Patrick quickly identified who would be best suited to fulfill this task perfectly.

“The brand presence is the first touchpoint with potential customers, and it should be appealing in order to make a strong impression”

Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director more Marketing

codafish - not just a web agency, but also a design partner

Although Hamburg is a large city, it often feels like a small village when it comes to business networking. In short, everyone is familiar with each other, and when it comes to more Marketing and codafish, there’s a clear mutual trust. The main challenge is the need for quick responses in design developments. Radio is spontaneous and unpredictable, often needing rapid and creative design solutions. After years of working with codafish’s art direction, Patrick Bernstein knew exactly who to turn to for his design adaptations. “codafish was my first choice because I’ve known and valued their art direction experience for nearly 20 years,” Patrick explains, reflecting on the decision. And when an old acquaintance comes knocking, it’s time to get straight down to business!

more Marketing - brand building & design support with codafish Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director more Marketing
Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director more Marketing

“That’s exactly what I love about codafish: as a client, you share a request or an idea, and after one or two conversations, you have a complete roadmap you can rely on.”

Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director more Marketing

Two strong partners engaged in daily creative collaboration in print and web design

Does the client need designs for business materials, social media, or their website? If so, codafish will conduct a thorough discussion to clarify the details and refine the concepts. With the handover of the ideas baton to codafish, the artistic juices start flowing and things start becoming more vibrant for more Marketing: designs are created, coordinated, and successfully executed. It’s crucial that nothing gets overlooked! But Patrick knew fine well that codafish would handle every aspect of the rebranding – from layout to print production and digital integration.

“With the title ‘digital agency,’ it’s immediately clear that codafish is the right contact for digital projects like websites and software. As a very satisfied client in the design sector - both online and offline - I can confidently say that codafish’s range of services goes above and beyond.”

Patrick Bernstein, Managing Director more Marketing

photocredit Alice Dietrich , Unsplash

Beyond the borders - advertising designs from codafish

And if something fits and works, why change it? No problem for codafish – promotional materials for events, trade shows, promotions, bus advertising, and out-of-home campaigns are produced in no time. All, of course, in close coordination with Patrick and his marketing and communications team. “The short communication channels were a huge help,” Patrick reflects. “Questions, coordination, and approvals were just a click away – whether through a video call, a phone call, or a chat message – thanks to the entire team working remotely.” No matter how hectic the day was for codafish, they always had an open ear for us.

Looking for rebranding or brand development? Leave it to our creative team at codafish

Are you considering a new corporate design or looking to refresh your advertising campaigns? If so, please contact us! We take the time to work with you to identify which design elements you want, and which ones best suit your target audience. Based on this, we handle all the details of your design according to a collaboratively created project plan, including the development of print materials and both online and offline campaigns. Schedule an appointment today – we look forward to working on a creative project with you!

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What our clients have to say about us

As a full-service agency, we work together with you to develop a successful digital strategy and we provide you with assistance in all areas of the implementation – from design to hosting and software support.You can find an overview of all of our client testimonials here.

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