Fink & Zeisig – Growth trough digital transformation

Order – a term that is positively associated with any application. Those who maintain order in everyday life live in a structured way and always know what is going on. Projected onto the working world, order lays the foundation for organizational processes that are essential for the success of projects. Frank Lemloh, owner and managing director of Fink & Zeisig, is an expert in this field. As a consultant, coach and supervisor, he helps entrepreneurs and those who want to become entrepreneurs in the areas of career coaching, start-up support, organizational development, supervision and team coaching. With his expertise, Frank Lemloh, who is also a lecturer at universities and an advisor among the networks of the cultural arts and creative industries, social innovation and urban development, has built a base of almost 100 clients who trust in his abilities – a stable framework for the further expansion of the company: “For some time, it was clear to me that I had emerged from my founding phase and wanted to immerse myself in the growth phase,”Lemloh explains in a conversation. Ideas for implementation quickly ran through his mind, but he lacked the basic advice for a comprehensive online strategy. A call to codafish gave him two assurances: First, the solution was the digitization of his business processes. Secondly, “we’ll take care of everything”.


The codafish equation: Growth = [Consulting + Implementation]

The decision to turn to the codafish team with his concerns was more than easy for Frank Lemloh. The long-standing trust in their CEO, Timo Müller (based on repeated cooperation and the desire for a reliable partner who responds quickly to technical questions and works in a solutions-oriented way), led to the beginning of the first consultations. With a focus on the digitization of customer relationship management and marketing, codafish recommended the use of an all-in-one solution that enables the digital integration of all business processes for the establishment of an online strategy: Zoho.

Zoho One - the online operating system for businesses

A system that efficiently combines all business areas and their workflows: This is Zoho One – the complete solution for corporate digitization. With more than 40 applications designed specifically for the needs of businesses, Zoho One enables the comprehensive integration of sales, marketing, accounting and more in a unified, cloud-based structure. Everything from internal and external communication, offers and invoices to the maintenance of leads and existing customers in customer relationship management, and target-group-specific email marketing: Zoho One connects the most important workflows, to optimize and structure the processes of businesses.

«I found codafish's support to be very good and I am looking forward to further my growth process with such a professional partner by my side. As the team is very well connected digitally I have had the experience of receiving fast and direct support when I need it.»
Frank Lemloh

One company ventures into a digital transformation

As a certified Zoho Partner, codafish was able to quickly capture the needs of Fink & Zeisig and put together a package of applications from the Zoho module portfolio that reflected the customer’s requirements. But first, it was important to create the structures for the deployment of the Zoho One Suite and to design the project plan after an evaluation. Frank Lemloh also experienced that “creating order” does not always run smoothly. “The initial effort and the change cost more resources than was anticipated. Because, for the creation of general workflows, that are later used for automating processes, you have to go rather deep into detail and think about a great number of small things. The integration of customer data was also accompanied by cleanups, which were essential for the conceptualization of a maintained database, but which took time”. However, Frank Lemloh was not alone in this: codafish, as a consultant and technical services provider, took care of setting up all of the Zoho applications and the programming of individual requirements in the system.


As authorized Zoho partners, we stand ready to assist you in all matters related to Zoho and your digital transformation.


Zoho - the future of all operating systems? An assessment

The installation of new operating systems always presents companies with challenges – in the case of Fink & Zeisig, the work has paid off. “Zoho is not a ready-made solution – you have to become familiar with the system”, Frank Lemloh concluded of the online suite. Basically, every company has to consider how they are going to advance digitization and automation processes in order for them to be able to work more efficiently and to reach customers better. In his opinion, Zoho makes a very good offer. The use of an overall system and the linking of the applications provides my company with a structure and offers me the opportunity to target existing customers and new customers through data-based work. That leads to exactly what I wanted for my company: growth and, possibly, also the development of new business areas.


We’ll be more than happy to advise you on how you can leverage the power of the various Zoho applications to automate your workflows. Dive into the world of Zoho!

What our clients have to say about us

As a full-service agency, we work together with you to develop a successful digital strategy and we provide you with assistance in all areas of the implementation – from design to hosting and software support.You can find an overview of all of our client testimonials here.

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