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Here is where we inform you about exciting digital trends and explain how you can use them in your business. In addition, we offer you a closer look at our work as a digital agency. Thank you for your interest.
Your comprehensive Pimcore demo
Live chat vs. chatbots – how do I pick what’s right for me?​
How Zoho cracked the 1 billion revenue mark without external investment…and stayed true to itself
Voice search – the voice that is slowly but surely setting the tone for SEO
Attention: Drupal security update required!
Google Analytics 4. The next generation of analytics
codafish – Pimcore Gold Partner
Pimcore or TYPO3: which CMS is better?
New work model vs. life in the countryside
What’s new in working time recording
Google Web Stories
How was 2022 for codafish?
codafish ><> your digital agency
With us you will get all the services you need in a comprehensive way. Starting with conception, and ending with implementation, we take care of hosting, maintenance and assisting you in your digital transformation. Feel free to call us for a free first consultation. We’re happy to hear from you!
Immediate support
Digital environment requires quick response times. Therefore we guarantee you an immediate and uncomplicated service with the support of Pimcore, Drupal, WordPress and Zoho.